WE CANADIANS believe when we look at the Prime Minister's promises on defence, the lies, and outright lack of properly running the government we might assume he is working for someone or something other than the Canadian people. His lack of detailed facts on many of his promises and his ability to outright lie makes him a very dangerous leader. When 23 of the 32 world leaders are meeting their committments to NATO and we don't it puts us Canadians to shame. Not only are we shameful we are in a very dangerous position, especially if there is a major war or if we are directly attacked. Trudeau is now making promises to create more housing, but not for the low income Canadians and promising to increase Armed Forces spending, but not until after the next election. Many of us veterans who served during the cold war know and have seen the dangers we face and how vulnerable we are. We can no longer wait for broken promises and lies. The time has now come to elect a new leader and a new government. The Liberals have had plenty of opportunities to elect a new leader and have failed to do so. The Liberal MPs know Trudeau's chances are slim and are already jumping ship by resigning before the next election. We believe it is time to unite around a different party and put them in power. If the new party listens and acts on what the people want then we should be able to put Canada back on track. We don't know if the Liberals are corrupt or just don't know how to run a government. Either way we are in great danger and must make changes. JUSTIN TRUDEAU and his LIBERAL GOVERNMENT must go for the safety of the Canadian people and our children.

When it comes to government we must unite in a Democratic Government. This means voting for a government that will uphold DEMOCRACY, work for CANADIANS, and help build more affordable housing for the lower class who can't afford the $2000 per month, middle class affordable housing that our current governments continue to build.